sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2012



1. "Rites of Passage" (Intro)
2. "Heavens Denied"
3. "Poor Man's Crusade"
4. "Fiddler on the Green"
5. "Blood on my Hands"
6. "Path of Glory"
7. "Winter of Souls"
8. "The Whistler"
9. "Tear Down the Wall"
10. "Gallows Pole"
11. "My Last Sunrise"
12. "Chant"
13. "White Room" (Scream cover).


Hansi Kürsch : (Voz).

Jon Schaffer : (Guitarra y bajo).
Jim Morris : (Guitarra).
Mark Prator : (Batería).

AÑO: (1999).

SELLO: (SPV Records/Steamhammer).
PRODUCTOR: (Jim Morris/Jon Schaffer/Hansi Kürsch).
ESTUDIOS: (Morrisound Studios - Tampa - UU.EE).
MASTERIZACIÓN: (Jim Morris - Fullersound Studios).
ESTILO: (Power Metal).
PORTADISTA: (Danny Miki/Travis Smith).
FOTOS: (Michael Haynes).
PAÍS: (Estados Unidos/Alemania).
COMPOSITORES: (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 y 12 Jon Schaffer/Hansi Kursch)(13 por Jack Bruce/Peter Brown,Scream).

"Rites of Passage" – 0:54

"Heaven Denies" – 5:20
"Poor Man's Crusade" – 4:01
"Fiddler on the Green" – 5:56
"Blood on My Hands" – 4:44
"Path of Glory" – 4:58
"Winter of Souls" – 5:47
"The Whistler" – 5:15
"Tear Down the Wall" – 4:48
"Gallows Pole" – 5:22
"My Last Sunrise" – 4:43
"Chant" – 0:54
"White Room" – 5:01 (Bonus track Japan))
"The Whistler" (alternate version) – 5:21 (Bonus track Japan).
Distribuido por: (Victor Entertainment).


"Rites of Passage" – 0:54

"Heaven Denies" – 5:20
"Poor Man's Crusade" – 4:01
"Fiddler on the Green" – 5:56
"Blood On My Hands" – 4:46
"Path of Glory" – 4:58
"Winter of Souls" – 5:47
"The Whistler" – 5:15
"Tear Down the Wall" – 4:47
"Gallows Pole" – 5:22
"My Last Sunrise" – 4:43
"Chant" – 0:54
"White Room" – 5:10
"Heaven Denies" (demo version) – 5:09
"The Whistler" (demo version) – 5:21
"Tear Down the Wall" (demo version) – 4:46.
Distribuido por: (NEMS Enterprises).


(Demons & Wizards - 1999).

(Touched By The Crimson King - 2005).


Hoy toca hablar de un proyecto/grupo,fundado en 1998,de la mano de dos excelentes músicos,por una parte el gran (Jon Schaffer) fundador de los Metaleros (Iced Earth) en 1985.El otro artífice de este grupo (Demons & Wizards), es (Hansi Kürsch) creador de otras de las más populares bandas de Power Metal en Europa como son (Blind Guardian).Estos dos músicos unieron sus fuerzas y ganas,aparte sus dotes como músicos,para crear dicho proyecto,haya por 1998 más o menos.En ese año ya tenían esa idea en sus cabezas,y pronto harían realidad esas ideas,en forma de disco ya en 1999.
Ese primer disco debut de este nuevo proyecto llamado (Demons & Wizards - 1999),se tituló como mismo se llamo el grupo,también ese titulo hace referencia a uno de los mejores discos de la historia del Hard Rock mundial como fue el disco de Uriah Heep  lanzado en el año (1972).
En este primer disco de Demons & Wizards,incluyeron 10 canciones propias,dos intros,más algunos bonus tracks,por ejemplo,la edición que tengo yo en mis manos (Digipack),incluyeron solo un bonus tracks,el cover de los (Scream) "White Room",mientras que en otras ediciones,incluyeron más temas,o en este caso más canciones extras,por ejemplo sin ir más lejos,la versión Argentina de este disco incluyeron nada más y nada menos que 3 bonus tracks,eso si,en versión demo,esos temas fueron:
"Heaven Denies" 
"The Whistler" 
"Tear Down the Wall" 

Pues siguiendo con las respectivas ediciones de este disco debut de los Demons & Wizards,en la edición Japonesa solo incluyeron un bonus, "The Whistler" (versión arternativa).Las opiniones y críticas acerca de dicho disco fueron muy positivas,tanto en sitios Webs,como en revistas especializadas tuvieron grandes comentarios positivos,ni que decir por ejemplo las copias que vendieron de este debut,fue uno de los discos más vendidos en aquel año,incluso en la delantera de la caratula pusieron una pegatina advirtiendo que este disco era obra de Jon Schaffer y de Hansi Kürsch,más que nada para engolosinar y atraer a los posibles compradores de dicho disco,de no haber puesto esa pegatina,seguro que hubiera sido distinto.Mi opinión personal acerca de este disco,no es nada negativa,y ya algunos sabéis lo bien que hablaré de dicho trabajo.Un auténtico disco de Power Metal,con toques oscuros,con algunas concomitancias a Blind Guardian,y a Iced Earth,puesto que este disco tiene algo de ambas bandas.El disco fue grabado como ya sabéis muchos por el gran productor y músico Jim Morris en sus famosos (Morrisound Studios) de Florida.
El disco no solo fue producido por Morris,también metieron mano tanto Jon como Hansi,quedando un sonido de lujo,casi inmejorable,lo mismo se puede decir de la portada,toda una obra de arte,no es nada original,pero que más da eso,lo importante es que represente toda la temática de dicho disco/letras y grupo,y lo hace a la perfección.Se aprecia un demonio vestido con una túnica negra,tocando un violín,en pleno cementerio,y al lado,y sentados como dos niños buenos,se encuentran dos niños prestando mucha atención al Demonio vestido con túnica negra,y de fondo el cementerio junto con una luna Menguante,para enmarcar sin duda,el dibujo fue creado por (Danny Miki) y (Travis Smith) al igual que su siguiente disco (Touched By The Crimson King - 2005).
De las canciones,decir que todas son válidas,al menos a mi me encantan todas y cada una de las 11 incluyendo el cover de Scream,por un lado tenemos las dos intros del disco, "Rites Of Passage" que sirve de inicio para empezar el disco,y la otra casi al final,"Chant".
El primer trallazo del cd,nos lo ofrece la gran "Heaven Denies",puro Power Metal,con un toque a Iced Earth/Blind Guardian,todo batido,el resultado es más que interesante y atractivo.
"Poor Man´s Crusade" sigue con la tralla,un poco menos rápida que la primera,pero en esta dan igualmente en el clavo.El lado más melódico nos lo ofrece en el inicio de "Fiddler On The Green" que luego se convierte en un potente medio tempo."Blood On My Hands" aquí de nuevo nos ponen en su sitio,nos dan lo que queremos,buen Power Metal,y grandes coros,todo con un gusto a Blind Guardian por los cuatro costados,uno de los temas más exitosos en aquel año.La siguiente "Path Of Glory" empieza idéntica a  "Fiddler on the Green", luego cogen otro ritmo y se convierten en medios tempo,sin desmerecer ninguna de las dos."Winter Of Souls" es otro corte interesante como todas las canciones aquí incluidas,esta para mi,de las más destacadas,con coros a lo Blind Guardian,con el particular tono de Hansi Kürsch en la voz,que pone voz a todos los temas de este disco.
Otra de las delicias del cd,es "The Whistler",no solo eso,fue otra canción de éxito de este disco,crítica y fans estuvieron todos de acuerdo,y tildaron este tema como algo grandioso dentro del Power Metal,de hecho en algunas ediciones se incluyó el mismo tema pero en versión demo como bonus tracks.Nos quedan aun "Tear Down The Walls","Gallows Pole","My Last Sunrise" y la última "White Room" (Versión de Scream),de todas esas,me quedo con "Gallows Pole" con ese inicio en plan Maiden,me pone los pelos de punta,el tema en si es un medio tempo,no creo que sea la mejor canción de todo el disco,pero no creo que sea la peor,al menos a mi me encanta,las otras son muy buenas también,destacando la versión de los legendarios Scream,ni se saben cuantos grupo han versioneado esa canción,(Wasp,Helloween..) entre otros más,esa versión a Demons & Wizards les quedo muy buena,sobretodo en los coros,haciéndola un poco original y distinta a la versión original.
Como conclusión final,decir que me pareció un fantástico disco para llevarse a la boca,o mejor dicho al oído,no hay nada,pero nada de nada malo ni negativo en este disco,nada que reprocharles ni nada malo que decir acerca de este gran disco de Power Metal oscuro,otra cosa es su siguiente disco,que eso si que fue "una cagada monumental" y ahora os los explico.
Lo único bueno que saqué yo de su segundo disco,(Touched By The Crimson King - 2005)fue muy poquita cosa,lo primero y lo mejor es la edición de dicho trabajo,doble cd con un segundo cd con 4 canciones,dos de ellas "Lunar Lament" y "Spatial Architects" no incluidas en el primer cd,y las otras dos versiones alternativas de dos canciones incluidas en el primer cd.La portada es otro tema positivo que saco de este segundo disco de Demons & Wizards,nunca mejor que la portada de su primer disco,en este editaron dos portadas diferentes,la primera del disco en formato normal,sin bonus tracks,en la que sale una especie de diablo y ángel,dicho en palabras de Jon Schaffer y Hansi Kürsch,el diablo representa a Jon,y el ángel a Hansi,mirando sus caras,resulta lógico,Jon tiene cara de "Malo" de "Demonio",mientras que Hansi tira más hacia lo "bueno",con esa cara de no haber roto nunca un plato,no es que lo diga yo,ellos mismos así lo dijeron en una entrevista que se editó o publico en una revista Española de Rock,ambos se identificaron así,uno "el malo" y el otro "el bueno" jajajaja.La segunda portada es más sencilla,tan solo una especie de ojo,con un fondo entre gris y negro,la caratula en cartón,(que es la edición que poseo yo en mis manos),dentro de esta primera tapa o caratula de cartón, está la otra que ya os hable antes,que se ve un diablo y un ángel,como dije antes,una edición de lujo,y no vean el precio,me costo cerca de los 25 euros en el año 2005,puesto que lo compré nada más salir a la venta.
Lo poco bueno que saco de este disco,en cuanto a canciones son "Crimson King","Beneath These Waves","Terror Train" (para mi la mejor canción que han compuesto con el nombre de Demons & Wizards),también destaco el tema 8 "Dorian",y como no,la versión que se marcan de los (Led Zeppelin) "Immigrant Song" les quedó majestuosa e inmejorable,el resto de canciones véase "Seize The Day","The Gunslinger","Love´s Tragedy Asunder","Wicked Witch" y "Down Where I Am" carecen de algo,de personalidad,carecen de fuerza,y muy lentas,muchas de ellas empiezan como baladas,para mi gusto muy suaves si se me permite la palabra,pero las que antes nombre la (1,2,3,8 y 10) le dan cuatro mil vueltas a las mencionadas antes.
Pues e aquí mis opiniones y reseñas, de estos dos y únicos discos de Demons & Wizards (no hace mucho tanto Jon como Hansi,anunciaron que pronto habrá un tercera entrega),esperaremos ansiosos por esa entrega futura,de momento tenemos que remediarnos escuchando sus únicos dos discos editados hasta el momento,y un consejo,el primero es mucho mejor,superior y más potente que el segundo disco,juzga por tu propia conciencia,luego me cuentas,yo sigo pensando que su primer disco es todo un clásico del Power Metal mundial,y no lo digo yo,lo dice el 95% de los fans del Metal,ya si me hablas del segundo disco,si te puedo decir,que es malo pero con ganas salvo los 5 temas que antes mencione,lo demás ni para las vacas en fin. 

AUTOR: (Running).

CANCIONES DESTACADAS: (Heaven Denies,Poor Man's Crusade,Blood On My Hands,Winter Of Souls,The Whistler,Gallows Pole,Path Of Glory).


1 - "Crimson King" 5:47
2 - "Beneath These Waves" 5:11
3 - "Terror Train" 4.45
4 - "Seize The Day" 5:22
5 - "The Gunslinger" 5:13
6 - "Love´s Tragedy Asunder" 5:26
7 - "Wicked Witch" 3:32
8 - "Dorian" 6:36
9 - "Down Where I Am" 4:54
10 - "Inmigrate Song" (cover Led Zeepelin) 2:28.

(CD 2)

1 - "Lunar Lament" 4:04
2 - "Wicked Witch" (Slow Version) 3:57
3 - "Spatial Architects" 5:46
4 - "Beneath These Waves" (Edit) 3:40.

AÑO: (2005).
SELLO: (SPV Records/Steamhammer).
PRODUCTOR: (Jim Morris/Hansi Kürsch/Schaffer).
MASTERIZACIÓN: (Jim Morris y Ryan Yanero).
ESTUDIOS: (Morrisound Studios - Tampa - Florida).
COMPOSITORES: (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 por Kürsch y Schaffer,10 por  R.Plant  y J. Page).
PORTADISTA: (Travis Smith).
FOTOS: (Marc Villalonga y Axel Jusseit).
ESTILO: (Power Metal).

(Bobby Jarzombek - Batería).
(Hansi Kürsch - Voz).
(Jon Schaffer - Guitarra).
(Jim Morris - Guitarra/coros).
(Rubib Drake - Bajo).
(Howard Helm - Teclados/coros).


(Kathy Helm - Piano/coros).
(Tori Furson - coros).
(Jesse Morris - coros).
(Krystyna Kolaczynski - Cello).

CANCIONES DESTACADAS: (Crimson King,Beneath These Waves,Terror Train,Dorian,Immigrant Song).



LETRAS: (Demons & Wizards - 1999)

2 - (Heaven Denies)

I've stained the land
Milleniums I've prayed
Now I know there's no release

Since paradise is lost
I hold a crown
I know your name
But I am just your
Fallen angel of doom

Thus heaven denies
Refused for all times
I am not guilty at all

Deadlands, Wastelands
Darkness will cover my mind
And oblivion shall reign
I made up my mind
And oblivion shall reign through the night
Deadlands, Wastelands
Darkness will cover my mind
And oblivion shall reign

Still we are one, you and I
Realize, I did what you wanted me to

The lack of pure souls and the fading light
It's me you blame

First there was light
Then came the night
Cruel nothingness



Hope turns to despair
There's no one in these barren lands
The lust for light
I'm sure that it will fade
It will fade
Spiritus Sanctus
The lust for light
I'm sure that it will fade
Spiritus Sanctus

Eternal hell.

3 - (Poor Man's Crusade)

The Holy Ghost can't save you anymore
Your souls are condemned to burn in hell
Damned for all time
So spoke the noble one
He convinced us all
He is a gifted man
Though he will slaughter in the name of Christ

Holy and bright
He's a devil in disguise
Protector of the cross
Beware of the snake

All in all it's just a poor man's crusade
Poor man's crusade
The Holy Land home of our blessed lord
Enslaved and stained by godless hands
They shall be damned
Is waiting for you
To rise once again
So we will slaughter in the name of Christ

Holy father, holy father


You'll shed your blood
Your bodies fall
That is the price you'll pay
To cleanse you of your sins
Vicious and cruel
Let's kill them all
Let's kill them all

So we will slaughter in the name of Christ
Holy father, holy father


4 - (Fiddler On The Green)

Sad voices they're calling
Our precious girl she can't be gone
How bitter this morning
When daddy's darling
Went out and started her day

Wasn't there a dream last night
Like a spring never ending
Still the water runs clear
Through my mind
On the field I can see a fiddler
The fiddler on the green and the sad boy
I took him too early
Would you mind
Would you mind
Would you mind
If I take you

To be with you
To be with you
To be with you
To be with you

The sun seemed bright
The air was clear
The air was clear
A trick of light
Turned red into green
She saw the light
Her face was pale
Her body smashed
Her beauty's gone

Isn't it a shame
The reaper said
He is quite alone here
And still waiting for you
Oh I really did fail for the first time
Spoke the fiddler, poor old fiddler
The fiddler on the green
The fiddler on the green
It would be nice:

Take my hand

Just hold my hand
I'll take you there
Your pain will go away.

5 - (Blood On My Hands)

And as I bear my inner soul
I've kept it hidden and safe
Fulfill the god's desire
To hold their waning flame
A sacred life

And what have started long ago
Is heading towards the end
There's no easy way out
There's blood on my hands
But I am sure in the end
I will prove I was right

Runes of a long forgotten time
Ancient spells in endless rhymes
Soon the other world appears
Roam to the ghostly river Rhine
Leave the misty shades behind
I can feel I'm getting near

By the ancient spirits' rites
The old ghosts proclaim their rights
Still they're lost in time

Lost in time
I wonder why they're lost in time
Lost in time

The curse lives on
Still chasing me
It's always been there by my side
And it won't let me out
A treacherous leaf
And a secret unsealed
It will cause deadly wounds

Roam to the ghostly realms at nights
To cleanse the dark shades of my night
Leave the mortal world behind
Float to the endless streams of time
An eternal ray of light
Leave my mortal shape behind


Lost in time
I wonder why they're lost in time
Lost in time

The blood on my hands you see
Cannot be washed away
I am chosen by destiny
To dwell in misery


6 - (Path Of Glory)

For ages now
I've often faced the fear
It's hard to see
Old memories are clouding my mind
It's beyond this life
I know the secrets are within me
In a world of broken dreams
Depressed and haunting me
No way out
So many times it's hopeless dark and gray
No way out
And other times it's hope that saves the day

Many moments of my life I pray tomorrow
Inner peace will find its way and set me free

There's a light beyond the dark (darkest day)
There's a light beyond this life
And painful memories will all wash away
Painful memories will all wash away

No longer struggle with the fear of
The end and what's beyond
I live a life of loyalty
True to myself and my own

The way out
A sea of life so peaceful and serene
The way out
The path of life lies open wide for me

Come join the path of glory
Leave all your fear behind
Come join the path of glory
Leave all your fear behind
Many moments of my life I pray tomorrow
Come join the path of glory
At last eternal peace will set me free

Come join the path of glory
Leave all your fear behind
Come join the path of glory
Release me set me free.

7 - (Winter Of Souls)

Facing the storm
And there's no one by my side
The curse will take its toll
Is it justice or a foolish pride

As the wind is blowing cold
And the winter takes control
How can I survive

In higher lights we seem to drown
We hold the key but not the crown
In higher lights we seem to drown
We hold the key but not the crown
Look into my eyes and see
For all the wisdom I still bleed
And only willow trees will bring

Haunted by the lust of my father
Revenge is mine and down falls the kingdom
Conceived of his greed and a harsh reality
Haunted by the lust of my father
Revenge is mine and down falls the kingdom
Your illgotten son
Your flesh and your blood

Faith fools the day
The honest man will fail my don
Facing another wound
Can't hold back the storm
Soon the winter reigns my heart
We're both caught in agony

In higher lights we seem to drown
We hold the key but not the crown
Oh I wish that I could turn back
Reach out for the grail and find it
I would offer soul and life
Feel the emptiness my dark son

Haunted by the lust of my father
Revenge is mine and down falls the kingdom
Conceived of his greed and a harsh reality
Haunted by the lust of my father
Revenge is mine and down falls the kingdom
The sorrow he feels shall last forevermore

Feel this cold winter night
Frozen spirits in ice
Can't wash away the misery
The dark

War will take place at dawn
There's no choice it’s all fate
I’m not strong enough
The path lies clearly ahead
There's no way out
Can’t hold back all the greed
And all the good deeds
They are past
There's no choice it’s all fate
It’s so hopeless
Too long I was blind

Haunted by the lust of my father
Revenge is mine and down falls the kingdom
Conceived of his greed and a harsh reality
Haunted by the lust of my father
Revenge is mine and down falls the kingdom
By spilling our blood we are one bound
Haunted by the lust of my father
Revenge is mine and down falls the kingdom
Conceived of his greed and a harsh reality.

8 - (The Whistler)

Beloved mother
There is no guilt
In what I have done
It's far too late
To turn it back
To turn it back
Slowly they move
One by one
Food for the clan
Your kingdom will come

Slowly they're marching
One by one
Follow my magic tune
It is so easy
Her eyes
Her pale cold eyes
Are watching over me
I've never felt alone
All the children
For her glory

A fair price and
The deal was fixed
I did my part
And they betrayed
I cleared their problem well
But I trusted lies

All your children went astray
Pay the price for ignorance
Praise and glory to the clan
Watch your step I'll bring the end

Rats repeat their feast
Queen will be quite pleased
All your children went astray
Pay the price for ignorance
Praise the glorious race of rats
One by one they'll join their dance

Hungry souls they shall be fed
Praise the wisdom of the rats
All the children went astray
Pay the price for ignorance

Now you know fear
Face the unknown
Dwell in tears

The story's told
You may have learned
Dare not to betray
The whistler
You should consider
You might fail
You should consider
You might fail

All your children went astray
Pay the price for ignorance
Praise the glorious race of rats
One by one they’ll
Join their dance

All your children went astray
Pay the price for ignorance
All your children went astray
Pay the price for ignorance
Food for the clan
Praise to the rats.

9 - (Tear Down The Wall)

Deep in the void
My heart still bleeds

I am the only one
Here on the edge of life
Leaving this world behind
Dance on the edge of time

I think it is time now
To take what is mine

It all turns to black
A prophet or fool
Who's acting like god
As wicked and cruel
Follow my sign
As the mad gnome says
And now I'll dance
Into the sun

Tear down the wall
Let silence and madness reign
There is no future nor the past
Let us dwell in agony
Tear down the wall
I'll wipe out starlight
Let us tear it down
Let us tear down the wall

He can't hold it back
Afraid of himself
The path in his eyes
He is lifeless inside
Nothing is real
As the old gnome says
I think it is time now
To take what is mine

Tear down the wall
My madness you will follow
Tear down the wall
And don't look back
Tear down the wall
There is no future nor the past
Let us tear down the wall

The void seems like a cold asylum
I search for the last leaf
Hope, how I can find the answers
If all guardian angels are gone.

10 - (Gallows Pole)

Endless stairs
A guiding light
It seems to shine bright
But it's cold
Wicked signs will mark our way
Wicked signs will mark our way
Mark our way
Mark our way

Call me Messiah
I am god
A true lord but alone
Call me a liar
Oh I won't deny
That I'm mad

Am I evil am I good
Mad existence, faith and greed

The universe a Gallows Pole
Extinction of the living soul

Towards the sun we'll keep moving
Fate I hold in hand
Dancing 'til the end
I am condemned
Oh I bring all mankind's end
The end
Oh I've seen
All life die

A shattered heart an empty soul
Just one false move and it took its toll
The rising of an evil seed
I can't describe the pain I feel
Outside it's dark inside it's cold
The sun still shines bright
But its time is short

Endless stairs
A guiding light
That once was warm
But now it's bitter cold

It's freezing hearts
It's freezing souls
Soon icy shades will cover all
It pretends to be alive
It pretends to be alive
Be alive
Be alive
Be alive

Collapse of the mother
All will die
The void it frightens me
I've faced the demon
And he dwells inside

And when I laugh it's tears I hid
And when I cry it's joy inside
A foul disease has stained the land
The bitter harvest of a dying bloom
And when I cry it's joy inside
A wicked smile for all the tears I hide
It hurts to hold all the pain I feel
The bitter harvest of a dying bloom

Nothing is real
Nothing but him.

11 - (My Last Sunrise)

The lamb, the rose
The don't exist
The lamb, the rose
They don't exist

These are my last words
I need to rest
In fear and anger
I'll lay down my head
A faithless spirit in a broken man

Everything is burning
Rotten flesh keeps burning
It's MY LAST SUNRISE in fear

The grail's in pieces
All the bliss is gone
The rose has dried out
And the lamb got slaughtered long ago
The hope became another lie
Like the nonexisting father god
I'll close my eyes, goodbye

Don't wait for me on the other side
Everything is burning
Rotten flesh keeps burning
It's MY LAST SUNRISE in fear
Don't wait for me on the other side

Had seen nothing else but a carpenter's death
Not more maybe not even that

Suffer, grief and pain
Have driven me insane

Can't you see
There's nothing real
But you and I
And I say goodbye

Hear no evil, speak no evil
See no evil, feel no evil
Dream no evil, fear no evil
Touch no evil, taste no evil
All I see and hear is evil
All I think and feel is evil.

13 - (White Room)(Scream cover *)

In a white room with black curtains, near the stations
Blackroof country, no gold pavements, tired starlings
Silver horses, run down moonbeams in your dark eyes
Drawnlight smiles on your leaving, my contentment

I'll wait in this place where the sun never shines
Wait in this place where the shadows run from themselves

You said no strings could secure you at the station
Platform ticket, restless diesels, goodbye windows
I walked into such a sad time at the station
When I walked out, felt my own need just beginning I'll sleep in this place where the sun never shines
Wait in the dark where the shadows run from themselves

At the party she was kindness in the hard crowd
Consolation from the old wound now frogotten
Yellow tiggers crouched in jungles in her dark eyes
She's just dressing goodbye windows, tired starlings

I'll wait in the queue when the trains come back
Wait here with you where the shadows run from themselves.

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metal is forever